Dynamic Solution Innovators Apps

My Medical Neighbours 2.3
My Medical Neighbours supports you tosearchspecialist doctors and other medical resources. Targetaudience ofthis app is the hospitalists who are the primary doctorsseeing thepatients in the hospital. When they need a specialistsuch as acardiologist, they will consult this list to find a doctorwho goesto that hospital and who participates with the insurance ofthepatient.Features:* Registration process from the app.* Ability to search online and offline.* Ability to choose multiple counties( upto 4 ) fordownloadingdoctors.* Ability to search Insurance wise.* Ability to search Speciality wise.* Ability to search Hospital wise.* Ability to search County/Zipcode wise.* Ability to search Language wise.* Ability to search Extra Office hour wise.* Ability to call the corresponding doctor.* Advanced search feature.* Ability to find out the details information of aspecialistincluding his/her practice names and addresses, hospitalnames,etc.
TripoSocial 0.9
Meet people, friends based on who is nearyouand their shared interest!
Social Cam 1.9
This temporal network based social app willdefinitely fulfill all your wishes of building a network specificto your taste or preferences.Enjoy events by sharing pictures with ONLY the group you want. Nomore worries about restricting sending or deleting pictures, it'sall done automatically. Most interesting part is you don't evenhave to maintain or create a circle you want to share pictureswith, it's done automatically as well.Grouping? What might that be?--------------------------------------------- Attending a Concert? You can share the pictures of the concertwith only your metal head fans.- Visiting a Conference? Share your interests with your Professorby sharing the images of the event and get on their favoriteslist.- Worried what will your family say about the crazy pool party youhad and at the same time can’t wait to show your friends howamazing and adventurous the pictures came out?This app does exactly that, fulfill all your wishes!Group people and share pictures only to specific groups and alsoshare the amazing pictures with the public too. Best part is theentire world does not get to see it all, it's just the people inyour contact lists.A fun way to snap & share photos, Social Cam lets you capture& view photos of friends in exciting events. Sign up with yourphone number and let your events be more social, snapped &saved :)CONNECTIONS------------------------Add contacts to your phone book to make friends in Social CamEVENTS AND ALBUM---------------------------------Find photos taken by you and your contacts in different albumsautomatically created as you attend various events. An event isinitiated when you snap a photo in a location using Social Cam.Photos snapped by you in the event would then be found under a LIVEalbum, and shared with your contacts within a proximity of 200meters.- Snap photos by Social Cam and share among friends attending thesame event as you- Get creative by naming your albums- See the list of users who contributed to albums- Create LIVE albums by taking photos with friends at ongoingeventsNOTE: An event expires after a duration of two hours. However, youcan still find the album in your Social Cam Gallery.PHOTOS-------------- Filter your own photos in albums- See the audience of photos in albums- Download your favorite photos- Selfie gone wrong? No problem! You can delete photos snapped byyou- Group pictures only for the people you want- Make new friends at events for sharing picturesSHARE-----------Share your favorite photos to different platforms!CONNECTIVITY------------------------Confused whether to use mobile data or just stick to your WIFInetwork? Set your connectivity as you desire by just selecting anymeans of getting connected to the internet.PRIVACY--------------Have a better hold of your audience by using the Block List- Block contacts using the Block List and restrict access to yourphotosOFFLINE UPLOAD----------------------------Not online? Snap photos anyway! Your photos will automatically beuploaded and ready for you to view in the event-based album onceyou are online again
E-Monitoring App 2.0.1
App developed for DPE, Bangladesh to monitor the primary schoolsofthe country.